An dieser Stelle habe ich mal eine Liste der bekannten Kurzgeschichten zusammengestellt. Die Sortierung ist alphabetisch und folgt dem Titel der deutschen Übersetzung.        In grün sind alle Geschichten markiert die in anderen Kurzgeschichten oder Romanen aufgegangen sind.         In gelb sind alle Stories markiert die zwar auf deutsch veröffentlicht wurden, bisher aber in keiner reinen King-Sammlung auftreten. 

"The Rock and Roll Dead Zone", "Laurie", "Thin Scenery" und "The Turbulence Expert" sind zwar brandaktuell, liegen aber bislang nur in der Originalsprache vor...


  • 1922 1922 (Full Dark, No Stars, 2010)


  • Abschlusstag Graduation Afternoon (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Achterbahn Riding the Bullet (As an eBook 2000 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Alles endgültig Everything's Eventual (Stephen King's F13, 2000 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Alles, was du liebst, wird dir genommen All That You Love Will Be Carried Away (Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Atemtechnik Breathing Method, The (Different Seasons, 1982)
  • August in Brooklyn Brooklyn August (poem) (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Autopsie Raum 4 Autopsy Room 4 (Six Stories, 1997 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Ayana Ayana (Just After Sunset, 2008)


  • Batman und Robin haben einen Disput Batman and Robin Have an Altercation (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Big Driver Big Driver (Full Dark, No Stars, 2010)
  • Bird And The Album (dt. in "ES") Bird And The Album, The (A Fantasy Reader, 1981, an excerpt from IT)
  • Blind Willie  Blind Willie (Six Stories 1997 & Hearts In Atlantis, 1999)
  • Blockade Billy Blockade Billy (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Böser Kleiner Junge Bad Little Kid (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Briefe aus Jerusalem Jerusalem’s Lot (Night Shift, 1978)


  • Crouch End Crouch End (text version) (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)


  • Das Bildnis des Sensenmanns Reaper’s Image, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Das Ende des ganzen Schlamassels End Of The Whole Mess, The (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Das Floß Raft, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Das fünfte Viertel Fifth Quarter, The (Cavalier, 1972 (as John Swithen) & Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Das geheime Fenster, der geheime Garten Secret Garden, Secret Window (Four Past Midnight, 1990)
  • Das Haus in der Maple Street House On Mapel Street, The (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Das Musikzimmer Music Room, The (Sunlight or In Shadow: Stories Inspired by the Paintings of Edward Hopper, 2016)
  • Das Pfefferkuchen-Mädchen Gingerbread Girl, The (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Das Schreckgespenst Boogeyman, The (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Der Affe Monkey, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Der Bettler und der Diamant Beggar And The Diamond, The (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Der Bibliothekspolizist Library Policeman, The (Four Past Midnight, 1990)
  • Der blaue Kompressor Blue Air Compressor, The (Heavy Metal, 1981) (dt. in Shining in the Dark - The World of Stephen King aus dem FESTA Verlag)
  • Der einsame Tod des Jordy Verrill Weeds (comic version) (Creepshow, 1982)
  • Der Fall des Doktors Doctor’s Case, The (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Der Glüggsbringer Luckey Quarter (Six Stories, 1997 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Der Hochzeitsempfang Wedding Gig, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Der Hometrainer Stationary Bike (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Der Jaunt Jaunt, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Der kleine grüne Gott der Qual The Little Green God of Agony (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Der Mann der Blumen liebte Man Who Loved Flowers, The (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Der Mann im schwarzen Anzug Man In The Black Suit, The (Six Stories, 1997 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Der Mann, der niemandem die Hand geben wollte Man Who Would Not Shake Hands, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Der Mauervorsprung Ledge, The (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Der Musterschüler Apt Pupil (Different Seasons, 1982)
  • Der Nachtflieger Night Flier, The (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Der Nebel / Nebel Mist, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Der rasende Finger Moving Finger, The (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Der Rasenmähermann Lawnmower Man, The (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Der Rastplatz Rest Stop (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Der Straßenvirus zieht nordwärts Road Virus Heads North, The (Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Der Textcomputer der Götter Word Processor of the Gods (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Der Tod des Jack Hamilton Death of Jack Hamilton, The (Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Der Überlebenstyp Survivor Type (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Der Wäschemangler Mangler, The (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Die Ballade von der flexiblen Kugel Ballad Of The Flexible Bullet, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985 & Secret Windows, 2000)
  • Die Düne Dune, The (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Die Frau im Zimmer Woman In The Room (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Die Höllenkatze Cat From Hell, The (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Die Kiste Crate, The (comic version) (Creepshow, 1982)
  • Die Kiste (dt. nur in "Das Stephen King Buch") Crate, The (text version) (Fantasy Annual III, 1981)
  • Die kleinen Schwestern von Eluria Little Sisters Of Eluria (Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Die Knochenkirche Bone Church, The – (poem, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Das Geheimnis eines Sommers / Die Leiche Body, The (Different Seasons, 1982)
  • Die letzte Sprosse Last Rung On The Ladder, The (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Die Leiche Body, The (Different Seasons, 1982)
  • Die Meerenge Do The Dead Sing? (Yankee, 1981, a.k.a. The Reach)
  • Die Meerenge Reach, The (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Die Nacht des Tigers (dt. nur in "Die besten Horror-Stories") Night Of The Tiger, The (Chamber of Horrors, 1984)
  • Die Offenbarungen der Becka Paulson (dt. in "Das Monstrum" (Buch II, Kapitel 2 – 'Becka Paulson)" in variierter Form sonst nur in der Anthologie "Ich bebe, wenn du mich berührst") Revelations Of Becka Paulson, The (Skeleton's Crew (The Scream Press 1986) & I shudder at your touch, 1991)
  • Die Rache von Schmalzarsch Hogan (dt. in Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod - "Die Leiche") Revenge Of Lard Ass Hogan (Cavalier, 1975 & The Maine Review, 1975, an excerpt from The Body, Different Seasons)
  • Die Reploiden Reploids (dt. in Nachtvisionen Heyne 1990, The (Night Visions 5, 1988)
  • Die Zehn Uhr Leute Ten O’clock people, The (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Dieses Gefühl, das man nur auf Französisch ausdrücken kann That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is In French (Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Dolan’s Cadillac Dolan’s Cadillac (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Dünenwelt Beachworld (Skeleton Crew, 1985)


  • Ein bisschen angeschlagen Under the Weather (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Ein Fachman für Turbulenzen The Turbulence Expert (in Flight or Fright edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent; September 04, 2018)
  • Ein Gesicht in der Menge A Face in the Crowd novella A Face in the Crowd(August 21, 2012) Uncollected Originally published as ebook; in collaboration with Stewart O'Nan
  • Ein Tod A Death (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Eine gute Ehe A Good Marriage (Full Dark, No Stars, 2010)
  • Eins für unterwegs One For The Road (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Entschuldigung, richtig verbunden Sorry, Right Number (script) (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Erdbeerfrühling Strawberry Spring (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Erhebung Elevation (stand alone Castle Rock Story; October 30, 2018) auf deutsch ebenso wie im Ausland als stand alone Novelle von Heyne Ende 2018 veröffentlicht
  • Erinnerung Memory (King read from this at FSU in Florida, 2006. Later published in Tin House Summer Reading, 2006) auf deutsch Anhang des Romans Qual (Juni 2007) veröffentlicht. In einem Interview deutete King an, dass er nicht vorhabe, die Geschichte in einer künftigen Kurzgeschichtensammlung zu veröffentlichen, da sie, ähnlich wie Lisey and the Madman, in einem größeren Roman aufgehen werde, und zwar in Duma Key, das im Jahr 2008 erschien (dt. "Wahn").
  • Es wächst einem über den Kopf  It Grows On You (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)


  • Faire Verlängerung Fair Extension (Full Dark, No Stars, 2010)
  • Feuerwerksrausch Drunken Fireworks (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Für Owen For Owen (poem) (Skeleton Crew, 1985)


  • Graue Masse Gray Matter (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Große Räder: Eine Geschichte aus dem Wäschereigeschäft (Milchmann 2) Big Wheels: A Tale Of The Laundry Game (Milkman #2) (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Gwendy's Wunschkasten; Herausgabe (dt.): November 2017; Verlag (dt.): Heyne; Gwendy's Button Box (with Richard Chizmar) (May 16)


  • Harvey´s Traum Harvey's Dream (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Hausentbindung Home Delivery (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Heavenly Shades Of Night Are Falling Heavenly Shades Of Night Are Falling (Hearts In Atlantis, 1999)
  • Herman Wouk lebt noch Herman Wouk is Still Alive (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Herzen in Atlantis Hearts In Atlantis (Hearts In Atlantis, 1999)
  • Hier seyen Tiger / Achtung – Tiger! Here There Be Tygers (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Hinterlassenschaften Things They Left Behind, The (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Hurenstadt (dt. in Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod - "Die Leiche") Stud City (Ubris, 1969, revised version in The Body, Different Seasons)


  • Ich bin das Tor I Am The Doorway (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Ich weiß, was du brauchst I Know What You Need (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Im hohen Gras (dt. nur als Heyne e-book) In The Tall Grass (collaboration with Joe Hill, Esquire June/July and August issue, 2012)
  • Im Kabinett des Todes In The Deathroom (Blood And Smoke, 1999, Secret Windows, 2000 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • In der Klemme A Very Tight Place (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • in Schwarz Gunslinger And The Dark Man, The (The Dark Tower I, 1982)
  • in Schwarz Gunslinger, The (The Dark Tower I, 1982)
  • in Schwarz Oracle And The Mountains (The Dark Tower I, 1982)
  • in Schwarz Slow Mutants (The Dark Tower I, 1982)
  • in Schwarz Way Station, The (The Dark Tower I, 1982)
  • in Tot Bear, The (The Dark Tower III, 1991)
  • in Wolfsmond Tale of Gray Dick, The  (The Dark Tower V, 2003)
  • in Wolfsmond Calla Bryn Sturgis short story stephenking.com (2001) Uncollected Incorporated into The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla (2003)


  • Jener Bus ist eine andere Welt That Bus is Another World (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)


  • Kain´s Aufbegehren Cain Rose Up (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Keksdose (dt. nur in der Taschenbuchausgabe von "Basar der bösen Träume") Cookie Jar (included in the paperback edition of The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Kinder des Mais Children Of The Corn (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Kinderschreck Suffer The Little Children (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Klapperzähne Chattery Teeth (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Kopf runter Head Down (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)


  • L.T’s Theorie der Kuscheltiere L.T’s Theory Of Pets (Six Stories, 1997 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Langoliers Langoliers, The (Four Past Midnight, 1990)
  • Lastwagen / Trucks Trucks (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Leben nach dem Tod  Afterlife (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Lisey und der Irre (dt. Auszug aus dem zwei Jahre später erschienenen Roman "Love" und entspricht im Wesentlichen Kapitel 2) (ansonsten noch dt. in der Anthologie "Ein neuer Anfang" im Berlin-Verlag)  Lisey and the Madman (McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories, 2004)
  • Lunch im Gotham Café Lunch At The Gotham Cafe' (Six Stories, 1997, Blood And Smoke, 1999 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)


  • Manchmal kommen sie wieder Sometimes They Come Back (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Mein hübsches Pony My Pretty Pony (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Meile 81 Mile 81 novella Mile 81 (September 1, 2011) The Bazaar of Bad Dreams(2015) Originally published as ebook
  • Mister Sahneschnitte Mister Yummy (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Moral Morality (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Morgenlieferung (Milchmann 1) Morning Deliveries (Milkman #1) (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Mrs. Todd’s Abkürzung  Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Das Musikzimmer in Nighthawks; The Music Room in Sunlight or In Shadow: Stories Inspired by the Paintings of Edward Hopper; Das Musikzimmer in Playboy Dec. 2016


  • N. N. (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Nachrufe Obits (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Nächtliche Brandung Night Surf (Night Shift, 1978)
  • New York Times zum Vorzugspreis New York Times at Special Bargain Rates, The (Just After Sunset, 2008)
  • Niedere Männer in gelben Mänteln Low Men In Yellow Coats (Hearts In Atlantis, 1999)
  • Nona (und die Ratten) Nona (Skeleton Crew, 1985)


  • Omi Gramma (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Onkel Otto´s Lastwagen Uncle Otto’s Truck (Skeleton Crew, 1985)


  • Paraniod: Ein Gesang Paranoid: A Chant (poem) (Skeleton Crew, 1985)
  • Pin Up Rita Hayworth And Shawshank Redemption (Different Seasons, 1982)
  • Popsy Popsy (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Premium Harmony Premium Harmony (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)


  • Quitters, Inc Quitters, Inc (Night Shift, 1978)


  • Regenzeit Rainy Seasons (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)


  • Schlachtfeld Battleground (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Sommerdonner Summer Thunder (Turn Down the Lights, 2013)
  • Spätschicht Graveyard Shift (Night Shift, 1978)
  • Squad D Squad D (written for The Last Dangerous Visions, written in the late 1970s (erschienen am 28.02.2019 auf deutsch in der Anthologie "Shivers VIII" von Richard Chizmar))
  • Stumm Mute (Just After Sunset, 2008)


  • The Return of Timmy Baterman Return of Timmy Baterman, The (Satyricon II Program Book, 1983, an excerpt from Pet Sematary)
  • Tommy Tommy – (poem, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015)
  • Turnschuhe Sneakers (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)


  • Umney´s letzter Fall Umney’s Last Case (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Ur novella Ur (February 12, 2009) The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (2015) Originally published as ebook; collected heavily revised


  • Verdammt gute Band haben die hier You Know They Got a Hell Of A Band (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)
  • Vollgas (dt. nur als e-book) Throttle (collaboration with Joe Hill, He Is Legend, 2009)


  • Warum wir in Vietnam sind Why We're In Vietnam (Hearts In Atlantis, 1999)
  • Willa Willa (Just After Sunset, 2008)


  • Zeitraffer Sun Dog, The (Four Past Midnight, 1990)
  • Zimmer 1408 1408 (Blood And Smoke, 1999 & Everything's Eventual, 2002)
  • Zueignung Dedication (Nightmares And Dreamscapes, 1993)

Der zweite Teil der Liste beinhaltet die noch unveröffentlichten, verworfenen oder nicht auf deutsch erschienenen Geschichten.


  • A Hardcase Speaks (poem, Contraband #2, 1971)

  • Accident (a play)
  • After The Play (lost by King himself), mittlerweile jedoch wieder aufgetaucht und veröffentlicht... leider nicht auf deutsch. s. hier:

  • An Evening At Gods (a one minute play made for the American Repertory Theater, 1990)


  • Before The Play (The lost opening chapter to The Shining) (Whispers Magazine, 1982 & TV Guide, 1997) mittlerweile jedoch wieder aufgetaucht und veröffentlicht... leider nicht auf deutsch. s. hier:


  • Charlie (This is a six-page short story written when King was 12. It has never been published.)
  • Chip Coombs (Unfinished)
  • Codename: Mousetrap short story The Drum (October 27, 1965) Uncollected Lisbon Falls High Schoolpublication

  • Comb Dump (Unfinshed)Cursed Expedition, The (People, Places & Things, 1960)


  • Dark Man, The (poem, Ubris, 1969 - Cemetery Dance July 30, 2013)

  • Dave's Rag (with "Jumper" & "Rush Call", Secret Windows, 2000)

  • Dimension Warp, The (People, Places & Things, 1960)

  • Dino (poem, Salt Hill Journal, 1994)

  • Donovan’s Brain (poem, Moth, 1970)


  • Evaluation, The (Unfinished)


  • For The Birds (Bred Any Good Rooks Lately, 1986)

  • Furnace, The (The two first paragraphs in a story for others to finish. Weekly Reader Online. October 16, 2005)


  • General, The (Screamplays, 1997)

  • Glass Floor, The (Weird Tales, 1990) short story Startling Mystery Stories (Fall 1967) Uncollected First professional story 


  • Happy Stamps (written when King was young. It has never been published.)
  • Harrison State Park `68 (poem, Ubris, 1968)

  • Heroes For Hope Starring The X-Men (comic book, 1985)

  • Hotel At The End Of The Road (People, Plases & Things, 1960)


  • I Hate Mondays (In this six-page short story both King and his son, Owen are characters.)
  • I Was A Teenage Graverobber (Comic Review, a.k.a. In A Half World Of Terror, 1965)

  • I’m Falling (People, Places & Things, 1960)

  • I’ve Got To Get Away! (People, Places & Things, 1960)

  • In A Half World Of Terror (Stories Of Suspense, a.k.a. I Was A Teenage Graverobber, 1966)

  • In The Key Chord Of Dawn (poem, Onan, 1971)

  • Insanity Game, The (Unpublished)
  • It Grows On You (original version) (Whispers, 1982)


  • Jhonathan & The Witches (First Words, 1993, King wrote this 1956)

  • Jumper (Dave's Rag, 1959, a three-part story. Secret Windows, 2000)


  • Keyholes (never finished, mid-1980s)
  • Killer, The (Famous Monsters Of Filmland #202, 1994) bzw. hier in Eigenübersetzung von Eva Schuster

  • King Family And The Wicked Witch, The (Illustrated by King’s children, Flint Magazine, 1978)


  • Land Of 1,000,000 Years Ago (1959)
  • Last Of Here, The (never finished, a.k.a. Time In A Glass That Ran)
  • Laurie (www.StephenKing.com, 2018) bzw. hier auf deutsch
  • Lawnmower Man, The (Bizarre Adventure no. 29, 1981, comicbook)


  • Man With A Belly (Gent, 1979)

  • Mobius (a 3600 word complete Science Fiction story)
  • Monster in the Closet, The (Ladies´ Home Journal, Oct. 1981, an excerpt from Cujo)

  • Mostly Old Men poem Tin House #40 (August 2009) Uncollected

  • Movie Show (Unfinished)
  • Muffe (Unfinished)


  • Never Look Behind You (People, Places & Things, 1960, with Chris Chesley)

  • Null Set, The (3,300 word long unpublished story)


  • Old Dude's Ticker, The (Necon 2000 Commemorative Volume. With Edgar Allan Poe, 2000)

  • Other Side Of The Fog (The People, Places & Things, 1960)People, Places & Things (Triad Publishing Company, Self Published with Chris Chesley, 1960)


  • Pinfall (script by George A. Romero after a story by King, 1986) (never published Creepshow 2 manuscript)

  • Pit and the Pendulum, The (V.I.B. Book, Self Published, 1961, a novelization of the film with the same name)


  • Rock and Roll Dead Zone, The (Hard Listening, 2013)

  • Rush Call (Secret Windows, 2000)


  • Silence (poem, Moth, 1970)

  • Skybar (The Do-It-Yourself Bestseller - A Work Book, 1982)

  • Slade (The Maine Campus from June to August, 1970)

  • Spear, The (King describes the story as "a modern-day revision" of Nikolai Gogol's story, "The Ring.")
  • Stranger, The (People, Places & Things, 1960)

  • Sword in the Darkness (Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished, 2006)


  • The 43rd Dream short story The Drum (January 29, 1966) Uncollected Lisbon Falls High Schoolpublication

  • Float, The (Screenplay for Creepshow, later renamed "The Raft")
  • The Star Invaders short story The Star Invaders (1964) Uncollected Self-published

  • The Undead short story The Undead (1963) Uncollected Self-published
  • They Bite (a 116 page Screenplay in an Alien/Science Fiction style, 1976)
  • Thin Scenery (Ploughshares Summer 2017 Vol. 43, No. 2 edition)

  • Thing At The Bottom Of The Well, The (People, Places & Things, 1960)

  • Time In A Glass Than Ran (a.k.a. Last Of Here, The)
  • Thirty-One of the Classics novella Uncollected Self-published
  • The Cursed Expedition short story People, Places and Things (1960) Uncollected Self-published

  • Trigger Finger short story Trigger Finger (1963) Uncollected Self-published


  • Untitled ("She has gone to sleep while...") (Contraband - #1, 28 line)

  • Untitled ("The Huffman Story") (unfinished, 71 pages.)


  • Weeds (text version) (Cavalier, 1976)

  • Woman with Child (Contraband - #1, 17 line)

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