Montag, 9. September 2019

Update zur LP Revival Ausgabe

Wie Brian uns gestern mitteilte geht die LP "Revival" Ausgabe nun schon in Druck und wird zusätzlich durch Francois Vaillancourt um ein weiteres Kunstwerk erweitert. Um die Spannung zu erhöhen, bleibt dieses zusätzliche Gemälde jedoch noch geheim.
Hi Folks!
The Limited Edition and Lettered Edition of Revival are headed to the printer this week, but last weekend I had an idea for adding another piece of artwork to each edition, and François Vaillancourt was somehow able to squeeze them into his busy schedule... So, yep, there's going to be more artwork!
I think we'll mostly keep these images under wraps for now to make them a surprise, but I wanted to publicly thank François for his awesome work (again) on this book. He's amazing.
More news to come after the book is officially rolling at the printer. Thank you again for all of your support!

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